Saturday, March 26, 2016

Post #8- Some of the things that need to be done- not in any particular order  (March 26, 2016)

This post is not necessarily entertaining or specifically interesting other than to those who are researching the process of becoming an ExPat in the U.A.E. and specifically to teach.

Topics of discussion:

  • An update on immigration/visa processing and delays
  • The Passport
  • Authentication and using ProEx
  • Shop&Ship
  • Support Groups

     First, I want to mention that there is a current delay with immigration and visas.  On January 1, 2016 a new rule was put into place that affected how contracts are offered and how visas are distributed creating a delay for many future Expats.  For example, currently there are over 150 teachers, who were supposed to start teaching in the U.A.E. in January of this year, and they are still waiting for their visas and e-tickets to fly (they are located all over the world).  
     From my research, looking at various support Facebook pages, it looks like this type of delay is not unusual.  For whatever reason in the past there have been many delays.  I wanted to put this on my BLOG in case you are reading this down the road, and you are also discouraged by the delays.  It is not just happening to you, it is part of preparing to travel across seas to work--there will be delays.
     Remember, when we are interviewed to teach overseas we are asked, "Can you be flexible?"  "Are you flexible?"  This does not just pertain to getting to know a new culture or new type of student, it is for the whole process.
     In my case I have a plan B.  I knew getting into this that I was going to need an alternative plan, so I put something into place that fits my needs.  Many teachers are waiting in their city to be called over such as Atlanta, Houston, Chicago, etc.  That is their hometown.  Some of them are working and have made arrangements to be allowed to leave their contract fast, some are working as long term subs or where needed, others have transitioned into a paraprofessional position where they are not bound by a contract.  Unfortunately, some are really believing they will leave on time so they will not have to worry about anything--it could happen but it is a gamble.  They are waiting without a job/income plan.  (DO NOT SPEND THROUGH YOUR SAVINGS).
     In our case, I already resigned from my current position because my husband and I was already headed to Florida to be near family.  So, our plan is to live in a studio/economy apartment or extended stay and I will substitute teach until I get my visa.  Technically, I am supposed to leave in August and this really shouldn't be an issue; however, I need to be prepared for reality--I may not get to leave on time, so I need to have a way to bring in an income yet not be in a contract that would not allow me to leave when I am called.

The Passport is probably one of the first things you will need to get in order, when you have decided to apply to work overseas or at least by the time you accept an offer letter of employment overseas.    Unfortunately, I thought I was going to lose an opportunity so I expedited my passport.  I was led to believe that I REALLY needed my passport before the first In Person Interview, so I paid extra fees to expedite my passport and in addition to that I paid extra fees for nothing.  I could have just done a regular application because in fact I was not leaving in two weeks.

For those of you who are new to the application process, it goes like this:
  • Online application.  (In my case I went through http:///>YOU MUST completely fill out everything, you cannot leave anything blank.  Your application needs to show 100% before it will be fully considered.  This includes uploading support documents- there is no room for slacking on this application.  You need to plan to spend a lot of time on your application, probably several sessions over multiple days for it to be done well.
  • You will get an e-mail stating that your application has been approved and you will be given a time that a Placement Coordinator will call you for a phone interview.  You need to verify that you will be available for this interview.
  • After the phone interview you should receive an e-mail that will state that you are moving forward and you will get an invitation to choose where you would like to do your In Person Interview.  It may take  several weeks to get an exact destination in your city of choice.  So, I went ahead and booked my airplane because I had a definite date (since the earlier you book helps with getting a lower price), and then when I knew where the interviews were being held, I looked at a map (I went to Chicago) and I found a more affordable hotel that was only three walking blocks away.
  • After the In Person Interview some people will know in one day if they got the job offer or not, I had to wait almost four weeks.  It looks like people who did not get the job found out within a week (they did not make them wait).  So, you can see that there is no formula to exactly how this works.
  • I received my offer letter, signed it, scanned it, and e-mailed it back.  (Be sure to double check it.  Mine had the wrong degree level and it had a lower pay but as soon as I pointed it out TeachAway fixed my degree level from Masters to Doctorate and increased my pay to go with it.)
     I felt pressure to get my passport completed before my In Person Interview.  I filled out my application, created an itinerary (which you have to do to have it expedited), and then I contacted a business to do the expediting for me (this is the ridiculous extra fee that I paid). When in actuality, I did not have to have it for the interview (it was just encouraged).  Now, if you REALLY do need to get it done quickly make sure you have your photographs done (I had mine done at CVS) and contact:


Left:  UAE embassy seal
Oh, my goodness.  I can teach and organize grades for 138 students simultaneously but when it came to authenticating my documents it was NO WAY.  I didn't have time for it.  I couldn't afford to worry about it.  I took the easy way out.  I paid ProEX to do it for me and it was the best money I ever spent.

Letters of authentication
I had to have my highest degree, teaching license, and marriage license authenticated.  Three documents, four steps from local notary, to the state capitol, to Washington D.C., and then to the UAE embassy.  Each state has different requirements.  YOU NEED to read the helpful documents your PC gives you or make a friend from your state, who did it themselves, if you do not want to pay ProEx.  The person I worked with was Cindy Barnes and she did an excellent job.  After I had mine done, I found out that ProEx also has scanning service (I missed that boat).

I rarely spend money on myself but this was worth it.  Sometimes I have to give myself a break.

Part of the process of figuring things out is FIGURING THINGS OUT.  I need to know how I am going to survive.  One of my questions was, "Can I get my health supplements over to the U.A.E.?"  I know that I can bring three months without raising red flags but what about after I get over there?  And that goes for anything (legal).  I did find out that there is a GNC and other health outlets in the UAE,  but I know that they do not supply my ItWorks vitamins and supplements.  I really do not want to switch after I FINALLY found something that really works for me.  So, I had to search for my alternatives.

     Shop and Ship is a service that you can join (I have already joined) to where you will have your products shipped to a New York address and the company will make sure it gets over to you.  It is getting raving reviews by the teachers already over there.  You technically have to have a UAE phone number and address so you will need to MAKE IT WORK (yes make it up) and then when you get over there change your information to your actual UAE cell phone and address.
     This has taken a lot of stress of worrying about getting my vitamins, make-up, shoes, etc.  TOTALLY WORTH IT.  I am going to include a code that MAY get you a free membership.  It just depends on if it is still good when you read this:  SNS100AUH    

Support Groups.

     WOW!  Due to the fact that I am a part of several helpful Facebook groups I am able to get wonderful help from other people doing research and awesome people who are already over in the U.A.E. or who were over there and back already.  All kinds of perspectives to learn from have been the best research I could use!

     If you are FOR SURE APPLYING or have an offer letter, you should take the time out to join a FB group.  Search one, or all of the following:

  1. ADEC/AUG/2016 Here we come! (I am the administrator for this group)
  2. ADEC Jan16/Aug16 EMT Hopeful
  3. ADEC Jan15/Aug15 EMT Hopefuls
     These groups are tagged as ADEC but they are equally welcome to teachers working in the private sector, we all like to share good information!
     At this point in the process, I will post more that I learn about that will help other future teachers go to the U.A.E. to teach.  Feel free to send me specific questions so I can help you out!
I am now going to be waiting for my ACTUAL Golden Ticket.  Technically it is supposed to come sometime in July or August.  However, I acknowledge that there are delays in the process.  My plan B is to wait in Florida (after my daughter's wedding), enjoy beach time, visit the Florida Keys, finally go to Universal Studios, probably make another visit to WDW because I am a Disney Nerd, and overall enjoy the non-pressure of being responsible for a class for a while.  If it goes past the time of the start of school, I will sub in Florida and wait for my turn!

*If you have not done so yet, make sure you have a Google Plus account and FOLLOW ME.  You will automatically be contacted whenever I make a new post.  Hopefully you will enjoy my photos and videos that I plan to share.  This includes our vacations that we plan to take while we are overseas.  Right now, I am contemplating Egypt for Christmas 2016.

Dr. Shannon Rennaker, educator

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Post #7- Researching and getting ready/ Interesting news about the U.A.E.'s weather   (March 10, 2016)

I have spent the last couple of days doing research to answer the following questions:
The Teacher Tech page will be the answer to everything you need to know!

  • What will I do about cell phone service?  So far the research says that as part of my orientation I will be given a U.A.E. sim card.  They pay for cell service more by "pay by the minute" or month by month.  I am still working out the details.  I have learned that T-Mobile will work over there.  And I have found hints that AT&T has something going on but I still need to call them (that is who I currently have a contract with).  Some of my research says that people buy phones with two sim slots so they can use both of their numbers.  I am hoping to use the phone I have and not buy a new one (mine is relatively new and I love it- iPhone 6 plus).  When I get everything absolutely squared away I will share for those who are using this as a resource to go to the U.A.E.
  • Although we initially said, "Hey, we will just read more books and watch less television." My husband and I both chickened out of that idea and started researching ways to take our Netflix or use our Amazon Prime (which we love).  We need a little noise in the background!  We started reading about VPN's, and special apps, and had nightmares of terrible cable (that we cannot understand).  Luckily I can share this.... ask to join the Teacher Tech page after you get your offer letter.  I cannot tell you exactly WHAT is on it, I can just say it will have all of the answers.  How do I prepare my laptop?  What is a VPN and how do I get one?  How do I set up my television.  And more!  
  • Recently I was online with a lot of teachers who are like me and just accepted their offer letter and were doing research.  We have a couple of places to chat with others who are already over there.  I accidentally met someone I knew through another person (which was pretty neat) and mentioned that school was cancelled due to freak rain storms (in the desert).  Evidently there was crazy flooding and a lot had to be shut down (teachers got a four day weekend).  Then I found this article:
Evidently, the rain was man-made!  Read about it.

Dr. Shannon Rennaker, educator

Monday, March 7, 2016

Post #6- Commitments are final with me (March 7, 2016)

Today my recruiting agency sent me my amended contract!  On my lunch hour I signed it and e-mailed it back.  It is final, I am going to Abu Dhabi (Well, the U.A.E. and will not know my exact placement until after I get there)!

I will teach there on a three year contract.  Here are the things promised to me:

  • 20,400 dirhams a month- yes, I am disclosing my income because I think it looks neat.  No, that isn't USD's but it sounds fun!  You can do the math on your currency app.
  • Tax free, and if I follow all of the U.S. rules, I can be exempt from US taxes starting my second year.
  • Airfare for my husband and I there and back once a year.  
  • Free health care, and from what I can see it is actually good (they are trying to build a name for themselves) and it is 80% ex-pats so MOST of the time I should be able to understand who I am seeing for healthcare.
  • 20,000 dirhams for relocation.  This is to help out with any possible deposits, purchasing furniture, housewares, etc.  It is a good start.
  • Free housing.  From what I have seen on YouTube and various blogs--they take good care of us.
  • Paid visas for myself and my spouse.
  • Many, many holidays- days off and shortened days.  I will take it!  There is only a 6 week summer but I am okay with that.  Usually I teach summer school anyhow, and with all of the extra religious holidays it makes up for the extended year.

For those of you considering this type of opportunity they also pay for up to three children 18 and under (airfare, visas and larger living accommodations) and give some kind of allowance to help pay for their homeschooling or International schooling.

Feel free to ask questions if you are interested.

My summer blog may be summer updates on my progress but I may include some about our move to Florida and Janae's wedding.  If you have't heard we are moving our household to Florida, and that is where we will be returning after the OverSeas adventure!

Please JOIN as a member -----> over to the right and you will get automatic updates to your e-mail!


Dr. Shannon Rennaker, future teacher of teens who speak Arabic as their first language

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Post #5- It's all about patience (March 2, 2016)

Exactly one month ago on February 2nd I left for a whirlwind interview in Chicago.  I didn't have a clue of what to expect when I got there; I certainly didn't expect my pants to fall down in a room full of 50 people!

Initially we were told, by people who had been through the experience, that one finds out the results within three days and maybe up to a week.  However, the only people who found out anything at around the two week mark were those who were told "no".  Those people did not get to move forward in the process and I kept waiting.  The rule was no news is good news.  That was often hard to swallow!

Waiting is not my thing.  Around the three week mark I was sent a somewhat ambiguous e-mail that insinuated that I was moving forward but it wasn't official because the Abu Dhabi Education Council was still making their final decisions and working on their offer letters.

It was REALLY hard to wait and pass up other opportunities; holding out for the one that I wanted the most.  Two days ago I started getting messages that I needed to do this and do that, and go ahead and move forward as if I were already offered the job.  I had a moment of, "What am I doing?  Moving so blindly through this process with no idea of what was at the end."

Today I had a super busy day in my classroom.  I was collecting writing assignments, conferencing with students, going over project grades, etc.  It was busy, busy, busy.  As the day was passing by I kept hearing my phone ding in my purse, during the first and second blocks, and I never found the time to go check it.  Every other day I get a planning period during the third block and I finally grabbed my purse and sat down at my desk and checked my personal e-mail because this was my lucky day to have a little quiet moment.

Lo and behold there it was, in the subject line, "ADEC- Offer Letter".  

Now, there is going to be a lot of more waiting.  I have many things to accomplish.  Such as:  I need to keep getting my kids ready for their tests and for their junior year, I have to tell my journalism kids I am leaving (I hope to be the one to do that and no one gives it away), get my husband his passport, wait for my authenticated papers to be delivered to me, lots of wedding details to iron out for Janae (I have to order myself a dress by May), packing, moving our things to Florida, and the list goes on.

From this point on I will be giving details of dealing with the process and paperwork needed to make sure I get to leave for the U.A.E. in August.  I will also be sharing my research and decision making, and this is for others who are behind me and possibly working on a January or August 2017 start, so for friends and family it may be boring but I will let you know when I get back to sharing our new and exciting adventure.

Here is a map of where I will be going and the three main areas where teachers are placed.  However, we do not find out until after we arrive and sometimes it takes a week or two for them to place us in a school and to give us a key to our housing.

Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and Al Gharbia.  A lot of people, especially single people, hope to get placed in Abu Dhabi City area.  We personally are going with the flow and do not have a preference.  There are pros and cons for everything.  Abu Dhabi provides more but the Al Gharbia western region has much of the same just not so much city--more opportunities to save money to buy that Florida house.    I will do research on each area and share what I know as I go along.  Al Ain is kind of a country feel but a close drive to the city.  I have heard lots of good things about Madinat Zayed--who knows?  I won't be able to tell you until I know at the very last minute.  Look at those two island areas!  What is that all about?  I am so curious!

Thank you for all of your support reading about my overseas adventure being an English Medium teacher (more about that later).

Dr. Shannon Rennaker, educator