Sunday, October 2, 2016


As of August 29, 2016 I have taken a position in Port Saint Lucie, FL.

After my contract had been rescinded in the U.A.E. with at least 150 others,  I had to scramble to figure out what to do.  We either sold or gave away most of our things and then stored the rest, but left it in Missouri.  Since we were in Florida with limited funds since we had to spend SO MUCH on hotels in June, July, and August and even two weeks into September, we never got to go back to Missouri to get any of our things.  (planning to do that at Christmas)

There was a short period of time that I entirely gave up on teaching overseas.  I definitely have to give up on the UAE because after spending so much money to leave....I feel pretty burned.  Also, they will not take me since I do not have a Bachelors in Education......disregard the fact that I have three graduate degrees in education.

However, I have been getting some good reports from people teaching in Qatar.  So that will stay on my radar, but it will be five years before I can consider it.

A lot will also depend on other factors in my family.  For example, my oldest daughter got married this summer.  What if I have grandchildren in the future?  It is hard telling what I would want to do.

I hope other people reading this blog will learn that NOTHING is set in stone and really there is nothing to protect an American who does not get a contract until they get over there.  Be careful about putting all of your eggs in one basket!  Lesson learned.

Thank God I have a job that I love still.  New school, new grade level, new challenges--that is how I like things.  I did get my K-12 Educational Leadership certificate established in Florida and I am thinking I may work at putting that to use!

Thanks to everyone who tried to support my adventure:)