Monday, January 18, 2016

Post #2- Moving slow but making progress (Monday, January 18, 2016)
     Since my last post I have resigned from my current teaching position.  I have a great support system with a principal that understands the ins and outs of my decision for personal and professional reasons.
     I have been working on getting my passport photo and passport application.  When you have a short time you have to make the decision to spend a little extra money and decide whether or not, "Is it worth spending extra money to expedite a passport just to have ready for interview?"  I mean it is kind of a 50/50 shot after all.  I meet all of the criteria (they have shared) but now I have to get past an in-person interview (this is why I say 50/50 shot); I tend to either rock an interview or walk away wondering why I didn't just leave five minutes in?  I tend to sabotage myself sometimes.
    Today I got the official invitation for the in-person interview.  So, today I booked my flight to Chicago (it is in two weeks).  It is on a Wednesday (I was REALLY hoping for a Saturday).  I am going to fly out (from Kansas City, MO) on Tuesday night (hopefully stay at the hotel where the interviews are happening), have my interview sometime between 8-4 on the Wednesday, and then fly back late that night.  My flight isn't until 10 p.m. but I want a good cushion.  Yikes!  I will get in bed about 12:30 in the morning and have to teach that morning, so I am hoping to crash and not be wound up--I am usually wound up these days!

This is what you will need to have done BEFORE your in-person interview:  (information provided by TeachAway).  I suggest that if you are working on your application to teach in the U.A.E., you go ahead and start getting your documents together; especially the passport.

All documents must only be submitted as digital copies on USB or CD, except (4) hard copy colour passport photos All documents must be named “FirstName_LastName_Document”

Hard copies must be submitted at interview

Four Colour Passport Style Photoscolour passport-style photos; Head & shoulders (conservative - no bare shoulders; No larger than 50mm x 70mm / 2in x 2 3⁄4 in; Background must be completely white, with no shadows

Passport Colour Copy-Clear colour scan of photo and signature page, scanned as  actual size; Must be able to read all headers; Passport must be valid 1 year from expected arrival

Resume-must be a maximum of 2 pages

Health Form-The form must be printed and signed with ink (this is provided)

Introductory StatementThe form must be printed and signed with ink; Parent’s & spouse’s profession must be completed.  An Introductory Statement sample is also attached for assistance.

Highest Degree- 1 copy of your highest degree (diploma, not transcript); Must be Bachelors, Masters or Doctorates; No PGCE and no Specialists diplomas AUTHENTICATED.  I suggest you start this processes quickly.

Teaching LicenseCurrent teaching license; Must be valid/renewable throughout entire contract. AUTHENTICATED.  I suggest you start this processes quickly.

Criminal Record Check - National Level- Only National level checks from within the last year will be accepted  *Candidates living abroad must submit both a check from their home country and their current country of residence
If a charge appears on your criminal record check, you must include a letter of explanation:

What happened?What were the results?Why do you think it shouldn’t affect your visa?

Reference Letter(s)- Letter(s) need to be from a principal/supervisor, signed and on official letterhead; No older than 2 years

Record(s) of Employment- Ask each of your previous employers (HR) to write you a letter verifying that you taught there as a full time teacher (how many years and what subject) and specifically ask them to use the school or district letter head.  U.A.E. will take up to 12 years.  They will pay for a Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate level and up to 12 years.  The pay is $3,500-$5,000 (the highest is 12 years with a doctorate) but from talking to other people the Masters pays well too.  Plus you will be provided a place to live (from all of the photos and videos that it is very nice accommodations).  You will be offered a "furniture allowance" of about $5,400 and you will be reimbursed for a flight home and back each year.

Current teaching license, highest degree, and marriage license (if you are taking your spouse) must be authenticated (as far as I can tell, they will never look at your transcripts).  These documents are essential for visa processing and immigration processes and their full authentication is mandatory.  
There are expediting companies that can assist in the process please see the Authentication Guide (provided by the TeachAway coordinator. Delays in submitting these documents will result in visa processing and departure delays.

Dr. Shannon Rennaker, educator

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