During the month of November in 2015, I was a on a journey to find my next place in education, or was it to totally go in another direction? I was working for a great school district North of Kansas City and it wasn't about "getting away" from that, but moving closer to my daughter, Janae in Florida- she is getting married in early July 2016. My husband, I will refer to him as Ren, and I already decided we want to live in Florida. It was a no-brainer. That is where we are going--we are going to Florida. Our youngest daughter is still going to college and so far is very independent and has no desire to travel to Florida (she has other travels on her mind).
But are we going straight there? We kind of feel that once that decision is made. It is over. Well, not life is over but maybe the adventure of possibilities. So we discussed our bucket list. One of the things that I always wanted to do was work in education overseas and something my husband always wanted to do was experience the Arab nations in some way. (That is something I also wanted to do, he didn't talk me into this).
So we started our research. What do I do? What are our options? Can we afford it? Is it safe? Would anyone want me?

This is what I found out:
1.) There are a lot of sites out there that recruit teachers. I had to decide if I was going to negotiate with a school myself or go through one of these companies. Also, do I want to teach in the public schools or privately?
2.) I found out that one of the best fits for us would be to go to the United Arab Emirates and teach in the public school. My experience is in the public school, they pay the best, and recognize my doctorate in education, and are more on the liberal side of the Muslim life (in the sense that I will not be required to wear what Muslim women have to wear in public), I will be allowed to drive (and do most things on my own without my husband), and I will basically be living in a vacation get-away (or close to one if I am placed in the "country").
3.) Yes, I can afford it because most of the schools that recruit native English speaking teachers also compensate well for travel and moving expenses. In this case, I can bring my spouse (and if I had young children, up to three children under 18) with airfare paid, a "moving" or relocation allowance to help pay for furniture (a solid $5,500), and I will have accommodations provided (rent that equals about $16K-$30K). Since I chose to apply for the public schools that means the Abu Dhabi Education Council will be the ones looking at my application. Unlike the private schools in the U.A.E., instead of providing a housing allowance, they just flat out provide housing itself and from the research that I have done, there is over a 50% chance that it will be VERY NICE and at least equal to my current 2BR/2BA apartment I currently have. With my years in education and my education I will top out on the salary chart at 20,500 Dirhams also referred to as DH or AED= to $5,445.21 USD monthly which is TECHNICALLY the same that I make now (with all of my extra duties) BUT I do not have to pay double taxes, I do not HAVE to pay into retirement (I can do that on my own), ALL medical is provided, my housing is provided...overall more in pocket.
4.) It is safe. In fact, one of the lowest crime rates in the world. There has been one incident of an American teacher who was killed by another CRAZY lady who claimed she REALLY believed there was danger. The lady who was the murderer was tried and executed within 6 months--THEY DO NOT PLAY AROUND and precedence has been set. Leave the ExPat teachers alone. ExPat is what I will be called along with any outsider coming in to work. NOT TOURIST. Dangerous? It doesn't matter. I have done enough research to feel equally comfortable over there as I do in Kansas City, MO. Crazy. Yes, but one must be a bit crazy to work with teenagers everyday. CONS- long days because I will not get to live near where I teach (they are upfront about that), Longer school year- I will teach from about August 23 to July 10 with only 5-6 weeks off to recuperate before starting over, Away from Family- gee whiz I am ALREADY away from my family, Women are not as valued-that will be hard for me but I know what I am getting into, and the LANGUAGE BARRIER- kind of. Did you know that 80-85% of the population of the U.A.E. is non-Arabic? There are many Expats from Great Britain, England, Scotland, USA, South Africa and then other Native Speaking English people from various other countries.
5.) Will anyone want me? Well, I think they may. Yes, I am counting my chickens before they hatch (OH, I CANNOT WAIT TO TEACH Idioms to my students). I applied through the Teach Away Recruitment. It took me three days to fill out the application. Within 24 hours I received an E-mail that they wanted to do a Phone Interview on Monday (that was a Wednesday). I spent the weekend going over my application and making sure it was finished, and I had my phone interview. I was told that I should hear something in 24-48 hours. I had the feeling that if I did not hear anything, then it was over. OH I HATE PHONE interviews. But, lo and behold, I got the e-mail that said, "fast tracked" to the next step. I would be hearing back about when the next set of U.S. in-person interviews would be happening and where. Will I be willing to travel to my interview? WHY OF COURSE.
THAT IS WHERE I AM NOW. I am on Winter Break. I have to give my official notification to my current supervisor and school district when I get back. I could wait until April to find out if I actually get the job or not, but like I said at the beginning of this post WE ARE GOING TO FLORIDA--so no matter what, I am going some where. Also, I like the people I work with. I want to give them as much notice as possible to replace me. EVERYONE is replaceable as a good friend and fellow teacher reminded me- no reason to feel guilty. Yes, I have a lot of on faith living.
Before working full-time as a teacher, I worked as a special education paraprofessional in the elementary school and part-time for the Missouri Department of Corrections as a G.E.D. teacher.
I taught in South Carolina from 2000-2002. (9-12 ELA)
I worked part-time in Missouri as a SPED aide, teaching G.E.D., taking a full-time load of business classes, and being a foster parent while I looked for a Missouri teaching home.
2003-2010 I worked in Bourbon, MO as an ELA 9-12 teacher; I also directed the school plays and musicals and worked with the cheerleaders. Here I worked on my masters, specialist, and doctorate degrees and was done with all three by December of 2009.
2010-2012 Elementary Principal in Tarkio, MO.
2012-2013 District ELA Coordinator for Kansas City Public Schools and then I was really missing the classroom and by luck got into another 9-12 ELA position but also teaching journalism (LOTS OF FUN). I started in NKC Schools in 2013 and I am just finishing up my third year. I am ON MY WAY to Florida. I am possibly taking a little jog into overseas teaching. This will be a three year commitment and then will come back to Florida and probably by then I may have grandchildren in my future since my daughter is getting married soon.
2013-2016 NKC Schools. 9-12 ELA and Journalism teacher; department coordinator.
Hopeful, 2016-2019- ADEC U.A.E. I was told that I would be placed in one of the three areas- Abu Dhabi City, Dubai, or Al Gharbia. I will not have a choice and I will not know until orientation based on their needs.
I PLAN TO BLOG about the following: The steps I take to meet the requirements to go overseas (what will it take to get there) and some about our life as we prepare to leave, What happens after I get there- what will I learn that I can share with future U.A.E. ExPat Teachers? I hope to place video and as much information as I am allowed about my classroom. I will make myself available to answer questions.
I have a lot of great memories working in education in the states:

My family is definitely going to benefit from this adventure: Daughters Janae & Aerin

Before we leave we still have a wedding: Future Son Nick w/Janae

My husband and I like to have fun. When we are done...we are going to FLORIDA!

https://www.teachaway.com As I progress AND hopefully get all the way through the interview process and move over, I will be happy to answer questions based on my experience.
Dr. Shannon Rennaker, educator